Sunday, 15 April 2012

Effects on nationalism.

The Japanese Occupation also exacerbated the social divide due to difference in treatment between the races. There were increase in tension and friction between races during the war due to the envy of the other race. As such, Nationalism groups that emerged during the Japanese Occupation were racist and were not a “Malayan Nationalist” group. This served to hinder the growth of Malayan Nationalism as it fragmented the Nationalist groups and their ability to achieve their objectives and independence as each individual group seeked to protect its own economic interest.

This divide was existent since British colonial rule of “Divide and rule”, so it is continuity, and JO was not a turning point in this aspect.

In conclusion, the JO was not a turning point for the growth of Nationalism in Malaya because although there were impacts it brought about that aided Nationalism in the short term, it did not help in the long term. Economic ruin brought by the Japanese Occupation would discourage the British from allowing Malaya to gain independence after the Japanese surrendered as they would not be able to ensure their survival. The economy in Malaya did not improve under the Japanese rule. Furthermore, the Japanese Occupation made worse the elements that hindered the growth of Nationalism by causing even larger splits in Nationalist groups and in between races.

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