Thursday, 12 April 2012

Interview with Mr Yahya bin Hussein.

What do you recall about the way the Japanese had treated the people of the different communities?

"I remember that the Japanese were very cruel and acted horribly vicious towards the Chinese. However, they were quite relax in their attitude towards the Malays and the Indians…. Of course, as long as we did not loot or go against their orders, we were quite free to carry out our lives as normal as it was possible during those tough times……."

How about the mosques? Did they disturb or destroy them?

"Oh, no! The Japanese were very respectful of the mosque. Nothing was done to disturb or prevent the Muslims from performing their prayers in the mosques."

Why do you think the Japanese was so kind to the Malays then?

"Well…… I think that the Chinese was targeted because they supported China…. which Japan had attacked…..For the Malays, I think that the Japanese had the perception that the Malays were a simple kind of people and thus see them as posing little threat to them."

What else can you remember?

"Nothing much really…… except that I remember being very happy when the British came back to Malaya……."

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